Wednesday 1 December 2010

A get together with Reef...

Last Friday the managers at Gul all got together to go and see Reef play in Truro.
Reef was the first concert I ever went to 12 years ago and I was interested to see how they  had aged now.
Well I can tell you now that they haven't lost it one bit!  They were brilliant!
We even had the opportunity to meet the band and this is when I became quite star struck as in my head all I could think about was that Reef were there right in front of me!  At one point I couldn't even look at them - that's how star struck I was!
I somehow got over being this silly and managed to get a photo taken with the main man himself, Gary Stringer and do you know what, they were all so nice and didn't seem all that put out when all I could do was mumble!
Well I supposed they're used to meeting people like me - mumbling, star struck idiots!
If you ever get a chance to see this band and you can remember all the classics then go and see them as I guarantee you will reliving your youth and jumping round with the best of them!
Good times!

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