Wednesday 23 June 2010

Gul Night Surf

Fireworks on the Saturday Night

Dave, from the Newquay Store, really please to have met Mark 'Egor' Harris

Tee from the Padstow Store enjoying a hug from Mark 'Egor' Harris

As you can see the Night Surf was a massive success again this year and the weekend couldn't of been more perfect, sun, sea and surf!
But theres one bit of the night that I really remember and that is seeing the Manager from Bude dancing! Somehow i can't quite get that image out of my head!
Oh if only I had pictures of this! Only hazy memories!

Friday 18 June 2010

Tee on her travels...

Well I decided that I had some time on my hands the other day and decided to pay Bude a visit to actually see what the fuss is all about!
And I didn't need a homemade Tom Tom to get there!
I took the A39 rather than the A30 to get to sunny Bude and I'm quite glad I did as I went through some pretty villages like Camelford and other funny named villages like Box's Shop or this could be the other way round I can't remember but I felt I was on holiday myself with the sun shining and the wind in my hair as I sped along!
The reason I went to Bude as Cai, the shop manager, is always banging on about how much better it is than Padstow which I always beg to differ on several occasions!
Bude has defiantly got charm with the river at the bottom and quaint little shops but the best thing about the place is that it has a Gul Store smack bang in centre of where its all happening!
The Gul Shop in Bude has got everything you need from great fashion to whatever you need to get out into that water!
Although Gul Bude is a lovely shop with its own little charm, I can't help but compare it to the lovely and slightly better (!) Gul Padstow but one thing that I am slightly envious is the size of their stock room!
I think they could defiantly swing that big cat which Cai thinks he saw in that stock room!
This little trip has made me want to explore this area more like visit Tintagel, Boscastle and even to visit all the other Gul Stores!

Thursday 10 June 2010

Fly Bird fly...

Here's Gul making his way over to the other side-Fat Face.

Bye bye Gul...

Bye Bye Gul..

Well  we decide we were getting bored of having Gul the seagul in our shop and by the looks of things Gul was missing his Seagul friends over in Fat Face.

Bye Bye Gul...

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Day 4...

Well its now day 4 and we still have Gul the Seagul and the people of Fat Face simply don't miss him that much as they still haven't noticed that his missing.
Quite frankly this is getting boring for us as they're not playing and we may have to give him back! :(
But we'll see!

Friday 4 June 2010

The seagul is still with us!

Just to let you know on the update on the challenge on that Seagul!
Well we still have it and I think it will be with us for a while yet!
Will keep you posted and for now we've called it Gul the Seagul! ha

Thursday 3 June 2010

Easy easy easy!!

We set ourselves the challenge and we thought it might take us ages to attempt it but noooo it took us 2 minutes!
Yep its the crew at Fat Face who we have yet again targeted but feel it was very apt for us!
They have a seaside theme at the moment which they have seaguls doted around the shop.
Yes you've guessed it we've swooped in and nicked a seagul!
Childish? us? yes you're right but its all in the name of a challenge!Lets see how long we can keep it for!
Like to add though that we don't condone nicking anything out of shops even though it is a seagul.

We have a new challenge...

...We have set ourselves a new challenge.
But we don't want to reveal it yet just incase we get busted.
So watch this space...

Wednesday 2 June 2010

New Jewellery in store..

...We've just received new jewellery here in Padstow and we have quite a selection
Even these two don't know what to have!!
Oh which one to choose?! There's just tooooo much choice!